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A Financial Markets Training and Consulting Firm.


Have your Aha! moment

New to the financial industry?
Just looking to add to what you already know?
Not sure where to begin?

Start here.

KLD Training helps participants to “finally” understand the basics of market economics to complex derivatives. KLD Training is a New York based financial market training and consulting firm which delivers highly interactive training programs about the credit and capital markets, investment and wealth management businesses, and financial products covering both cash and derivative products.

From facilitating senior leaders one-on-one, to classes of over 500 participants, KLD Training is consistently ranked at the highest performance level based on internal client feedback gathered from client participants.

Working with Learning and Development teams and their internal clients at the biggest investment banking firms, investment management firms, financial technology providers, and other key financial market players, KLD Training can also help you develop bespoke training programs targeted to all levels of your firm’s needs from front to middle to back office employee needs.

With over 30 topics in KLD Training’s current catalogue of courses focusing on each client’s needs, our programs target:
• Continuing Education
• Executive Level lateral hires
• Campus On-boarding Analyst and MBA Summer programs
• Full-time Analyst and MBA New Hire On-boarding programs
• Recruiting Events
• High School Events
• College Seminars

Areas trained within firms include:
• Operations
• Technology
• Company
• Risk
• Finance
• Human Recourses
• Sales & Trading
• Investment Management and Wealth Management
• Don’t see your area? Just ask!

Training topics include: Introduction to the Capital Markets and Financial Markets, financial products such as Fixed Income, Equities, Mortgage Backed Securities, Alternative Asset classes (Hedge Funds, Private Equity, Real Estate, and Foreign Exchange), Derivative Products (Options, Futures, Forward, Swaps) and how to deliver effective PowerPoint presentations.

All programs and courses can be delivered virtually or at your site in classroom.

We have a course for you.

Give yourself and your teams the knowledge and tools to…


Think, Create, ExecuteTM

Financial Thinking.

The financial service industry begins with Thinking. Helping our clients whether a borrower or an investor understand the risks they are willing or not willing to take is the first step in connecting the movement of cash flow between them. Which then leads to...

Create Products.

Financial Products. Once we know our clients risks and timing of their specific cashflow needs, we create financial products: Cash products, including equities and fixed income securities to move cash flow, as well as all kinds of Derivatives contracts to shift risk from someone who doesn’t want it, to somebody who is willing to take it away. And now that we have created the products, we can move to…

Market Execution.

Financial market intermediaries, by using the over-the-counter markets as a dealer and exchanges as a broker, help buyers and sellers of financial instruments to connect and execute trades in the secondary markets. We also need to know the rules, know counterparty risks, and know the risks of failed trade execution.


So no matter where your role may sit within the financial industry…

front, back, middle, technology…
your role helps to support

Financial Thinking,

Creating Financial Products,

Market Execution.

KLD Training has the Knowledge to help you define the Learning path needed to Develop your teams at your Firm.


Plain talk, from a true professional

Engaging, no-nonsense training you can relate to.
From simple markets to complex derivatives…the works.

Here are a few examples of courses offered:

Financial Services as a Business

Beginning with an overview of the key global financial market players, including the roles played by investors, borrowers, intermediaries and regulators (including the role of Central Banks), participants will leave the class with a firm understanding of how the credit and capital markets function, why those markets and players are vital to global economic growth, and the key roles played in the capital markets by asset and wealth management firms. (Target audience: New Hires, Campus Summer and Full-time On-boarding programs, Recruiting Events)

Demistifying Derivatives


This class is geared towards helping you to understand and break down the basic terms and jargon used in the derivatives market, delivered in a no-nonsense way. Concepts and principles of futures, forwards, swaps, and options contracts, who are the derivative market players (hint hint: EVERYONE!), and the need for regulatory oversight including the role of ISDA, and tools used to help mitigate counterparty risk are sample of topics covered. (Target audience: New Hires, Campus Summer and Full-time On-boarding programs, Continuing Education)

Morning Market Update


What news moves the financial markets, what are the key financial markets and indicators I should be following, and why are they important to every economy? Geared toward those new to the financial markets and those trying to determine the best way to extract out from the overwhelming news media the most important takeaways of the daily financial markets before you hit your desk for the day and helps you to build the foundation of creating your own self‐education process on the financial markets in just 5 to 20 minutes a day. (Target audience: New Hires, Campus Summer and Full-time On-boarding programs, Recruiting Events)

“You’re a MASTER at explaining this material – I’m truly so grateful!”

– Recruiting program 2021

Get in Touch

Are you ready to add new skills to your toolkit?